Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Hero Prop mechanics: Brainstorming

1) Rewinding the player's location: similar to the primary mechanic from Braid or Tracer from Overwatch. Probably a belt or gauntlet.

2) Air Glider

3) Dagger that makes the player invisible at the cost of movement speed

4) Bow and Arrow that teleports player to the location of the arrow

5) Chargeable Blink-ability, the longer it is charged the longer the distance. could be added to a weapon or player accessory (Similar to Dishonored)

6) player sentry gun. Possibility of being upgradable? Similar to the engineer from Team Fortress 2

7) player controlled drone swarm, they move/shoot to the player's reticle

8) change player texture to camouflage with his surroundings (similar to Octocamo from Metal Gear Solid 4)

9) Player Decoy that walks in a straight line (similar to Halo: Reach/4) spawned from a glove or grenade

10) Player duplicated himself and they perform identical actions (Storm, Earth, and Fire from World of Warcraft. Double Cherry from Super Mario 3D World)

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