Monday, September 29, 2014

Tabletop Game: Deconstruction- Get To the Chopper!!!

Get to the Chopper!!! is a Predator themed table-top game created by Scott McChesney

 The Board
The game board consists of a  hexagonal board with 6 different types of terrain tiles. The game's aesthetics are inspired by military aesthetics of camouflage, the Predator franchise, and other classic action movie characters and tropes. It carries a very lighthearted tone that parodies these themes.

Dirt (brown): Add 1 to all rolls targeting the Predator
Jungle (green): Soldiers can not leave a Jungle tile alongside the same direction they entered. This does not affect the Predator.
Water (blue): Removes the Predator's camouflage.
Medical Drop-(jungle with cross) Works like a Jungle hex. Heals a Soldier's wound.
Fortified (grey)- Soldiers add one attack to all rolls  targeting the Predator and The Predator subtract one from a all attack rolls tar getting soldiers.
Evac (helicopter) Human Soldier on an evac hex can attempt to "Get to the Chopper!!!" at the beginning of its turn.
 The 1-4 tiles are the Soldier starting points. The Predator marks in the tile marked with P.

 Water tiles split the map near the evac, meaning that if the Predator does not successfully eliminate the other soldiers prior to crossing the river, he will lose his camouflage ability and the game becomes increasingly more difficult for the Predator, while Soldiers have a higher chance of damaging the Predator. Rushing up the dirt hexes is a bad idea, as the Soldiers are increasingly closer to the much faster Predator.
Goal and Win Conditions:
  •  Soldiers get to the helicopter. 
  • Soldiers eliminate the Predator
  • Predator eliminates all of the Soldiers before they reach the helicopter
It is important to note that Soldier win conditions are somewhat relative, it is possible to feel the feeling of victory if you, for example, sacrifice yourself so your team can evacuate or if only 1 Soldier barely Evacuates. The rules do not specifically state that the Soldiers are competing with each other nor that they are on a team (though it can be deduced they are on a team based on the fact they can't attack each other and it would be counter-productive). Alternatively a player can feel they lost if their character is eliminated.

Game Mechanics and Actions:

Movement: Soldiers can move four tiles. The Predator can move six tiles. Movement is hindered by wounds.

Melee: Melee attacks can only happen when a player is next to its opponent. Players do a an accuracy roll by rolling a six-sided dice. If the number is equal or higher, the player lands a succesful hit. wounding the opponent by 1.

Ranged Attack: Each player has a different ranged weapon. Ranged attacks function nearly identical to Melee attacks, except that the player's target must be within the character's unique range.

Splash Attacks: Splash Attacks are unique to Blain and Mac. They function like Ranged attacks except that they ignore the Predator's Camouflage ability

Wounds: The game's HP. Soldiers start with 2 while the Predator starts with 5. When players are wounded their movement speed is reduced based on what is stated on his character card. Wounds can be removed by either using a Medical Drop found in the jungle or by the Predator's Medipod ability

Accuracy: How likely it is for a weapon to hit. Roll a six sided dice when attacking, if you roll equal to or higher than your weapon's accuracy you successfully wound your target for 1. The roll number can be modified by tiles or abilities.

Characters: Their Attributes and States: 
Each character has unique attributes and abilities represented by their character cards.

Predator- The Predator's objective is to eliminate all other players. He lacks a team, but is compensated by faster movement speed, an additional combat step, a total of 5 hp, and two active abilities.  Camouflage allows the Predator to substract numbers from the Soldier's accuracy rolls against the Predator. These numbers vary based on the distance of the soldier from the Predator. Splash attacks ignore the Predator's camouflage ability. The Predator's Medipod ability is a real threat. If there are no adjacent Soldiers, the Predator rolls a dice and substracts two from the roll and heals itself for that much. Though Predator is significantly more powerful, it becomes increasingly less powerful as the game progresses. If Soldiers work together they can cripple it if a team fight ignites. As a result the Predator works best when it picks up opponents one by one.

Blain: The simplest character in the game. He has splash damage and  is not affected by wounds

Mac: Before or after moving Mac can place claymore mines to possibly  hinder or damage the Predator. Mac can benefit the entire team by causing the predator to change his route and prevent him from catching up.

Dutch: Dutch is the only character that transforms. When damaged he is permanently transformed into Boy Scout

Boy Scout: Gains the Predator's camouflage ability

Billy: When Billy is successfully attacked roll a dice, if you roll a  5 or 6 prevent all damage that would be dealt to you.

Playing the Game:

  • Soldiers move first. They can choose to move and to attack with a ranged or melee weapon in any order. The Predator can Move and attack with both a melee and a ranged weapon in the same turn (a total of three actions). Movements can not be split (Example: move 3 tiles, attack, move remaining 1 tile) 
  • Players can only use the abilities of  his/her character.
  • All attack information is in the character cards
  • Roll a six-sided dice to decide on accuracy in combat
  • Character abilities that interact with combat such as addition/subtractions and additional dice rolls are checked after the accuracy check.
  • Soldiers can cross tiles with other soldiers but they can not land on a tile already occupied by a soldier.
Risk and Reward
  • Damaging the Predator can hinder him for a few turns while Soldiers set up on advantageous tiles or rush the Evac tiles, but the Predator can heal so they must be quick.
  • Dutch can become significantly stronger when damaged by turning into Boy Scout, but if he doesn't heal fast enough he is opened to a finishing blow.
  • If Soldiers chose to gang up on the Predator from the start, they have to account for its superior speed, additional combat step and healing. It carries the risk the Predator will eliminate some of them, but they could also win the game.
Role of Chance

Chance can be a deciding factor on the outcome of the game. If players miss all of their attacks they will be left in a state of disadvantage. Playing as Billy can provide a ridiculous advantage if you are lucky enough to hit your rolls successfully. For example, in one of my play-tests I played 1v1 as Billy and got all the way across the river by either the predator missing his shots or being lucky enough to roll a 5 or 6 in respond. There is a lot of room for mistake when doing this though, and I was eliminated a turn after crossing the river. Chance can be modified through the terrain hexes or abilities, so no side has a consistent advantage of chance. I would say with the exception of Billy's overruling ability, chance is a constant advantage and disadvantage for both sides.

Skills Players Learn
  • Soldier players must work as a team to succesfully reach the evac hex. Coordination and cooperation can lead to all Soldiers succesfully evacuating.
  • Alternatively Soldiers can be advantageous and capitalize on their teammate's demise or situation to rush the evac point while the Predator is distracted.
  • The Predator must learn to read the board and predict the Soldiers actions while swiftly eliminating them one by one.
Other notes:
A mechanic I really liked was how movement across jungle tiles worked and interacted with Soldier players.. It prevents Soldier players from bundling up together since they ultimately can not land on the same tiles and they are naturally seperated when they cross the jungle. This prevents the game from becoming exceedingly difficult for the Predator, who is not affected by this. as it allows this player to ambush one of opponents when they inevitably stray from a group.

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